Calculation of foundations, walls, concrete, rebar
Strip foundation calculator
Pier foundation calculator
Concrete slab calculator
Cement, concrete calculator
Rebar calculator
External wall calculator
Calculation of roofs: pitched, gable, gambrel
Roof pitch calculator
Gable roof calculator
Gambrel roof calculator
Calculation of inside works: flour, staircase, tile
Hardwood floor calculator
Staircase and stair calculator
Wall tile calculator
Calculation of outside works: surface area, excavation, fence, lawn
Surface, land area calculator
Excavation calculator
Fence calculator
Rolled lawn calculator
Calculation of tanks, volumes, pipes
Aquarium, rectangular tank calculator
Cylinder, tube tank calculator
Pipe calculator
Calculation of greenhouse materials
Gable greenhouse calculator
Quonset greenhouse calculator
At least once in a life, every one of us has had thoughts, plans or dreams about the construction of a dwelling house, ancillary building, garden walls or another structure. In some separate cases, a man can make choice in favor of various DIY solutions. Therefore, there is no need to highlight the importance of the project preparation process, correct drawings, and necessary estimation of the construction materials amount needed to realize the project. It also seems worthwhile to do the estimation of the preliminary cost of the project before you break in.
Why do you need builder’s construction calculators?
When developing a project, it seems reasonably critical to take into account some peculiarities like the constructional features of a building, engineering aspects, climate conditions, soil type, and so on. Note that even minor mistake in the structure could be crucial. Luckily, there is no ground to be despaired. Even if you do not know all construction aspects, do not remember algebraic formulas or have no skills in their application, you always can go for the construction estimating software. The one can be easily found on our website. It can be used to do necessary calculations for purposes of a house construction, estimation of liquid volume, a roof area, estimation of construction materials amount needed. You only have to take a measurement tape and ensure accurate and precise measurements. It will be also in service of you, if you are far from design matters.
Let us describe how you can use the present free construction calculators in online mode.
First, in the left column, there are main parameters specified and empty boxes given, where you have to enter your measurements data or information of prices.
Important parameters are shown on drawings, and it gives you better understanding what figures are required and why. After you have entered the data, simply press the button “Calculate”. Then a window with computed results and dynamic drawings will appear in the middle of the screen. The data of the results received and drawings will strictly correspond with the data you have just entered. Any change in values of parameters will automatically lead to the change of the drawings. You will also get an explanatory note with static drawings having included the data about variables and the information to your further reference. There are two other functions provided by the present estimating tools. You will find buttons “Save in PDF” and “Print” at the top of a webpage. You can print an existing project or save it for the next use.
The building calculators estimate amount of materials and total cost of construction(in most of the cases).Therefore, the complicated calculation of the lumber amount, pouring the foundation, heat insulation of building constructions, roofing work, fencing, estimation of the needed quantity of the concrete, reinforcement steel and other materials has become a simple and clear process.
If you have house building in mind simply use our apps to get costs estimation. The online program can compute preliminary expenses. The only you have to do is just to enter the price data in the corresponding boxes where they are. Thus, beside the drawings and basic data, you obtain the information about the approximate cost of construction materials and works. It comes useful while planning the future project budget and figuring the existing financial means. Moreover, the information you get will come in handy if you are going to supervise or monitor the work of the workers hired.
As the result of the precise and accurate calculations, you will know an approximate amount of construction materials needed, but do not forget to buy them with some additional stock. As they say, about 5-7% of all construction materials can be wasted.
Each of these online apps is designed on the basis of the corresponding algebraic and geometric formulas. Your part is to take correct measurements.
We hope, our online service will be useful not only for professional builders but for standard users too, who are planning to build a house or carry out other construction works.