A pier or beam basement usually consists of reinforced concrete posts or piles widening to their lower part and connected by a framework. The framework distributes loads of a structure. Actually, it is used to strengthen a construction This type of construction helps to resist soil expansion and large loads. Posts or piles are located in points of intersection, corners, under heavy and bearing walls, beams and other important structures. Piles are obligatory in all places with bigger loads. This online app provides the pier and beam foundation calculation and gives the preliminary expenses needed to construct this type of a basement.
The output data will include necessary amounts and prices of the following construction materials like rebar, sand, macadam, cement.
The application will use the entered data as the base to develop drawings of your future project. First, you have to select a type of a grillage. There are two possible options of piles to choose from. There are also two variants of their base shape: round or rectangular.
In several minutes you will know the pile footing size, amount of concrete and other materials needed. The whole construction and design can be done by our calculation app.
The required parameters are indicated in mm:
H — Height of the master section of a pile;
B — Diameter or width, what is applicable;
A — Height of a pile base. If you take piles without a base, then you just miss this box;
D — Diameter or width of a pile base;
D1 — Length of a rectangular-shaped base;
B1 — Width of a rectangular-shaped base.
If a pile has a circular section, then we do not consider the latter parameters in the calculations.
Dimensions of the basement:
Y — Length;
X — Width;
Y1 — Total quantity of piles established along the length of a monolithic structure including corner piles;
X1 — Total quantity of piles established along the width of a monolithic structure including corner piles.
S — If this parameter is indicated, then the calculation will be done for the piles which are evenly distributed under the whole structure. If it is not indicated, then the calculation will be performed only for the piles, which are set in the perimeter of a basement.
Dimensions of a grillage:
F — Height;
E — Width.
When the calculation of the load distribution structure is not required, you may not indicate these parameters.
Reinforcement steel bars
ARM1 — Total amount of rebar needed for one pile;
ARM2 — Total number of rebar rows in the load distribution structure strip;
ARMD — Diameter of a rebar.
These parameters are also entered in mm.
In case, when your project does not include the reinforcement, you set the value as 0.
The amount of the cement needed to prepare 1 m³ of the mixture is indicated in kg. Then you set the proportions. The figures will differ in every separate case. These parameters will depend on the construction methods to be applied, sizes of the sand and macadam and the cement brand. You may specify this information requesting it from manufactures or suppliers of construction materials.
If you include prices for construction materials, the pier foundation cost calculator will do for you a preliminary estimation of the planned expenses you will pay for your project.
The estimator will account the parameters to specify the following:
– volume of the mixture to pour one pile, separately for upper and lower parts of it;
– space between piles, amount of them;
– total weight and length of the needed amount of the reinforcement steel;
– volume of the mixture needed to pour a whole load distribution structure;
– total expenditures planned to pay for all main construction materials to establish a load distribution structure.
You will also get drawings including a general layout and a pile calculation design. You will make use of it when properly designing the basement of a house.
To do the calculations will not take too much time, because this online programme can release you from a long and time-consuming estimation process. You only have to follow the instruction given in detail.